Tuesday, September 10, 2013

John Sculley Just Gave His Most Detailed Account Ever Of How Steve Jobs Got Fired From Apple

After years of silence, former Apple CEO John Sculley has recently been moving more into retrospective mode.  On Thursday, Sculley gave perhaps his fullest public account ever of the circumstances surrounding Apple’s firing of Steve Jobs, spending eight extemporaneous and uninterrupted minutes on the most infamous human resource decision in business history.
The setting was as unusual as the soliloquy: Bali, Indonesia, where 400 of the most powerful people in the world, including over 50 Asian billionaires, had gathered for 13th annual Forbes Global CEO Conference. Sculley was sitting on a panel on leadership, along with the likes of Hong Kong real estate tycoon Ronnie Chan and Rockefeller Foundation president Judith Rodin, when an audience member asked Sculley about the firing. The ballroom then sat in rapt silence as Sculley delved into details, cast blame and reflected on lessons learned.
The answer? “I really blame the board,” said Sculley, who was recruited from Pepsi in 1983 to bring order to Apple – and Jobs. “Because I think the board understood Apple before I came, they understood Steve. They knew what my experience was and what it wasn’t. And I really believe there could have been a solution to keep me and Steve working together, because we were really good friends up until that point.”
Sculley went into great detail on the circumstances leading up to Jobs’ dismissal. It stemmed, he said, from the introduction of the second-generation Mac, the Macintosh Office.  The 1985 product launch, Sculley recalled, had been “ridiculed” as a “toy,” a victim of too much ambition for the relatively small amount of computing power then available (“it just couldn’t do very much”).
“Steve went into a deep depression,” Sculley said. As a result, “Steve came to me and he said, ‘I want to drop the price of the Macintosh and I want to move the advertising, shift a large portion of it away from the Apple 2 over to the Mac.”
“I said, ‘Steve, it’s not going to make any difference. The reason the Mac is not selling has nothing to do with the price or with the advertising. If you do that, we risk throwing the company into a loss.’ And he just totally disagreed with me.”
“And so I said, “Well, I’m gonna go to the board. And he said, ‘I don’t believe you’ll do it. And I said: Watch me.”
As outlined in Walter Isaacson’s biography, Jobs and Sculley presented their cases separately. Sculley told the crowd that Apple vice chairman Mike Markkula was assigned to study the issue and present a report. “Seven or eight days later, he came back to the board and said, ‘I agree with John, I don’t agree with Steve.’”
“Steve didn’t at that age know much about running companies. Apple had failed with Lisa, had failed with the Apple 3. The Apple 2 was near end of life, the company needed cash flow to fund development of the Macintosh.”
The board empowered Sculley to remove Jobs as head of the Mac division, and eventually, as the Apple founder continued to agitate, as chairman of the company. “What would have happened if we hadn’t have had that showdown?…I did not have the breadth of experience at that time to really appreciate just how different leadership is when you are shaping an industry, as Bill Gates did or Steve Jobs did, versus when you’re a competitor in an industry, in a public company, where you don’t make mistakes because if you lose, you’re out.”
“My sense is that there could have been a different outcome.”
“He was not a great executive back in those early days. The great Steve Jobs that we know today as maybe the world’s greatest CEO, certainly of our era, he learned a lot in those years in the wilderness.”
Sculley’s biggest regret? “I feel most badly, though, [because] after 10 years, I was at the company, I wanted to go back to New York where I was from. Why I didn’t go to Steve Jobs and say, ‘Steve, let’s figure out how you can come back and lead your company.’ I didn’t do that, it was a terrible mistake on my part. I can’t figure out why I didn’t have the wisdom to do that. But I didn’t. And as life has it, shortly after that, I was fired.”
“Those lessons that I got along the way are the ones that have shaped my life for the last 20 years.”

There’s a lot more if you watch the entire video (see above).
What prompted Sculley’s long, contemplative answer? Sculley clearly didn’t appreciate Ashton Kutcher’s recent Steve Jobs biopic. (“For those of us who knew him well, [we’re] scratching our heads what they were thinking of when they wrote this movie,” he said earlier in the day.) Nostalgia, fueled by Jobs’ passing, surely plays a role. (“I was with him when he would cry, I was with him when he was scared.”) Chalk it up mostly, though, to the passage of time.  “The older you get, the less inhibited you get,” the 74-year-old shrugged to me after the panel. Either way, the audience appreciated the candor. The man who fired Steve Jobs received a spontaneous wave of applause.

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