Saturday, May 2, 2015

I’m moving beyond being a sex symbol –Moyo Lawal

Moyo Lawal
Popular actress, Moyo Lawal, tells Ademola Olonilua about her style

Do you see yourself as a fashionable person?
To some extent, I would say I am a fashionable person. However, I like to dress the way I like and I don’t know how fashionable I can be sometimes. That is why I said that I am fashionable to some extent. I like to express myself through the way I dress.
What influences your style?
I dress based on the way I feel at any particular time. My style for the day depends on what side of the bed I woke up from. If I am not feeling too excited, it would show in my dressing, likewise if the reverse is the case.
Why do you love tattoos?
I got my tattoos at a point in my life when I needed to do something that was completely different from what I do. I saw people with tattoos and I used to admired them. One day, I decided to get one. I later got others. That is just me, bringing a bit of wildness to my nature.
What other ‘wild’ fashion statements have you made?
I remember there was a time I was doing Universities Matriculation Examination lesson and I wore an Hausa outfit to class. Everybody was looking at me as if I was crazy. I really cannot recall a lot of crazy fashion statements I have made.
What kind of clothes do you feel suit you best?
Everything looks good on me and I can wear anything ranging from corporate clothes, short dresses to dinner wears and bikini. I can wear anything and it would look good on me. I don’t think there is anything I cannot wear.
What do you do to maintain an hourglass figure?
I thought I have added a lot of weight and the hourglass figure is not so obvious again. I do a lot of waist training and I go to the gym when I notice that I am a bit sluggish. I go to the gym a lot.
Did you do anything to make your buttocks bigger?
Yes. I do squats and you really would not want to know how many I do per day. If I wear an outfit and I see that I look funny in it, the next time I go to the gym, I could do about a thousand squats in a day.
Have you ever wished you were taller?
Yes. At a point in my life, I wished I was because I am the shortest person in my house. But people tell me that if I were taller, the world would be in trouble because I would be super sexy. There is a reason why God removed some inches from my height and I have accepted myself the way I am.
What part of your body do you see as a major asset?
That would be my eye. When it comes to work, my eyes have helped me get a lot of jobs and opportunities. I go for an audition and they tell me to read a script and while I read, they give me the role because they say they can see the way I feel through my eyes.
How often do you visit the salon?
I think I have a hair disorder problem because if I make a particular hairdo and I don’t like the style, I would go back the next day to change it. If they still did not get it, I would keep going back till they get it right. I could eventually end up going to the salon about three times in a week. Sometimes, I could go to the salon once in six months. It all depends on what I feel about the hairdo I am wearing. I don’t have a specific hair style that I like. I experiment a lot with my hair.
What is your fashion weakness?
Moyo Lawal
Moyo Lawal

I think my fashion weakness would be piecing clothes together. They always tell stories. I like to piece things together and I like those that come alive when put together. I see a top and immediately in my brain I already know what pants would suit it in my closet. I love combining things and that is my fashion weakness. I also like jewellery a lot. I buy them as often as I can.
How many jewellery boxes do you have?
I don’t have boxes, I have jewellery drawers; several layers of drawers.
How do you deal with criticism from people who don’t align with your fashion taste?
I don’t read their comments and when I stumble on some, I pray silently that people should have mercy on me. I am just an actress who is trying and I am someone who loves to style herself. I cannot always get it right.
Is the application of make-up mandatory for you?
No, I don’t like make-up and I don’t apply it except I am shooting a film. Also I apply make-up whenever I am going for an event. If I just want to hang out with friends or run some personal errands, I don’t apply make-up.
How often do you wear native attire?
I make clothes for events, so I am in love with Nigerian fabrics. The ways African fabrics are being used by designers are both creative and exciting. I like wearing African fabrics because you can experiment a lot with them.
If you had an opportunity to go under the surgeon’s knife, what would you want to be altered in your body?
Nothing for now, maybe later I could change something.
Did you bleach your skin?
I think I was born fair. I am not a dark person. I was born fair and I have become fairer.
So what did you do to make your skin fairer?
That is my secret and I cannot share it except you pay me.
What is your biggest fashion mistake?
There is none that I can recall right now but I am sure I have some. I have enjoyed every fashion statement that I have made. My style might look weird to others but I totally like how I look. I am sure my fashion mistake would be one black boring dress that I wore but I cannot remember that right now.
Are you aware that you are seen as a sex symbol in the Nigerian movie industry?
Yes, I am aware.
How do you feel about that?
I think it is ironic because I don’t think I am that sexy in real life. That was why last year, I did not accept any role that portrayed me as being sexy. The only roles I accepted were the very serious ones. I am trying to bring a whole new side of Moyo Lawal to the table. Being a sex symbol is something I have accepted but it is time I pushed my career beyond projecting my sexiness.
While growing up, were any of your parents fashionable?
My father is very fashionable and I call him a vogue man. He is extremely fashionable. I don’t consider myself as a very fashionable person because I am very artistic with my fashion statement but my father is fashionable to the core. You should see him in his shirt and trousers, looking very sharp. He is always on point and I believe that I inherited his fashion sense.

Source: Punch 

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